Gibault Children's Services (Feb 2021)

Gibault Children’s Services reached out to tell me about their organization and the lack of funds available to purchase instruments and music equipment to support their music therapy program for at-risk youth living in their residential treatment facility.

” These children are the high at-risk kids in Indiana and many arrive to us with just the clothes on their backs. The Gibault staff strives to give these kids a loving home environment while they are in our care. We would love to be able to provide them with opportunities maybe not afforded in their home environments. The education staff have found that children who learn music are better at math and reading. This is so important for our kids as many of them come to us a grade level behind in the core subjects.”

I am thrilled to fund Gibalut’s proposal for the following therapy-oriented instruments and equipment:

50 Rhythm sticks (sets)
30 Recorders
4 Guitar amp cables
25 packs of acoustic guitar strings.

🎶 Music Therapy Donation Story UpdateGibault promised to share an update once these instruments are put to good use in their music therapy program.